Sitecore keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) chrome extension

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I use some of my free time to dabble in areas of web development that I don't really get exposed to 9 to 5:30. After playing with mobile apps (check out Ionic framework it is fantastic) a colleague of mine, Jack Fillbrook, inspired me to create a Chrome Extension. Sitecore Keyboard shortcuts was born.

Please check out Jack's extension here, it add's a number of UI enchacements to Sitecore 6 onwards - it is super useful.

What does it do?

Sitecore keyboard shortcuts does exactly what it says on the tin. It allows you to create hot key combinations to speed up your Sitecore experience. (Every Sitecore blog post must include the word experience!)

You can assign hot key combinations to actions such as, Forwards, Back, Go to item, Open presentation details, Go to template and many others. Loads more will be added in the coming weeks.

Sitecore does ship with a handful of shortcuts (Ctrl+S for example to save) - this really extends that funtionality without having to update or deploy any code.

Quick item access

The extenion also lets you press Ctrl + Alt + Foo (Where Foo is a number, 0 - 9) on an item to assign that item to hot key Alt + Foo. No more expanding the content tree over and over again - this is especially useful during demo's or jumping between content and datasources.


I'm hoping to add more and more features to the extension - so if you use chrome give it a go and keep checking for updates. Get in touch if you want something added.